Wisdom Education Helping your child reach their academic potential

Year 1 - Year 6
Our core course comprises of English, Mathematics, Aptitude Skills, Thinking Skills and Writing.
These lessons are the key learning areas for all primary students and is the main course offered at
Wisdom Education.
English lessons cover reading comprehension in all forms which include essay writing, vocabulary and spelling exercises which are given on a weekly basis.
Mathematics lessons cover all areas such as algebra, problem solving and numerical problems.
Aptitude Skills lessons improve thinking skills such as word knowledge, sentence structure and aptitude (IQ) of all students.
These subjects areas were chosen specifically to train students to sit for the Selective High School Placement Test in Year 6 as well as supporting students scholarship assessments.
Each week, teachers will introduce the new topic, demonstrate examples for students and allow students to practice working through questions with the teacher. Every week, homework is allocated and marked by the tutors, with feedback given and questions regarding it answered during the next week. Students sit for an End of Term Test in week 8 with reports handed out on the last day of each term.
Visit our timetable page to find a GEMW course that suites your child's weekly schedule.
Opportunity Class - OC Course
2022- Starts Term 2 & Winter holidays
Opportunity Classes (OC) are not in every public school, but are established in one school in each area. Please refer to this link for a listing of Schools with Year 5 Opportunity Classes - http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/learning/k-6assessments/oc_schools.php
Children gain opportunity class placement on the basis of academic merit. The main criteria for determining academic merit are Opportunity Class Placement Test results combined with school assessments. Comments made by parents and principals may be considered at the discretion of the selection committee.
Some general characteristics of gifted and talented children are listed below. It is important to note that academically gifted and talented children will not necessarily demonstrate all of these characteristics.
A gifted student:
learns rapidly and quickly grasps new concepts
has an excellent memory
is creative or imaginative, e.g. produces many ideas or is highly original
is independent - may prefer to work alone
has a keen sense of humour
may be highly motivated, particularly in self-selected tasks
has unusual or advanced interests
demonstrates exceptional critical thinking skills or problem-solving ability
may have superior leadership and interpersonal skills
frequently asks in-depth, probing questions
may demonstrate a high degree of social responsibility or moral reasoning
possesses a large, advanced vocabulary
has superior insight and the ability to draw inferences or is intuitive
is an advanced reader either in English or in the home language.
Visit our OC page for more information.
Selective School Trial Test Course (STTC Course)
Starts Year 5 (Term 1 - Mid-March) and concludes Year 6 (Term 1)
Why are selective schools important?
Selective high schools cater for highly achieving, academically gifted students. These schools can provide intellectual stimulation by grouping gifted and talented students together, concentrating school resources and using specialised teaching methods.
There are:
Seventeen fully selective high schools. All classes are academically selective.
Twenty five high schools with selective classes (partially selective). Partially selective high schools have both selective and community classes.
Four agricultural high schools (three of which offer boarding places). Agricultural high schools are selective high schools that emphasise the study of agriculture, with the boarding sections giving some priority to isolated students.
Entry into Selective Schools
Year 7 entry into these schools is determined by the student's results in the Selective High School Placement Test in English (including reading and writing), mathematics and general ability, together with their primary school's assessment of their performance in English and mathematics. Other evidence of academic merit may also be considered.
Entry into Years 8 to 12 is determined using criteria developed by each school's selection committee.
Partially selective high schools have both selective and community classes.
Please refer to this link for a listing of selective High Schools: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/gotoschool/types/shs_ahs_details.php
Test components
There are four tests. Three of the tests consist of multiple-choice questions with answers recorded on computer-marked answer sheets. These three tests are Reading, Mathematical Reasoning, Thinking Skills and Writing.
The writing which is most likely to gain the highest marks will have a combination of the following:
A title which sums up in a word or short phrase what the whole piece of writing is about
Interesting and original or distinctive ideas, stories, descriptions, arguments, depending on the type of writing
Language which is fluent and precise and uses interesting and more complex sentence constructions and vocabulary.
A complete structure so that there is a progression through stages leading to a conclusion.
School assessment scores
The school assessment scores will be moderated according to the performance of the candidates from
your child's primary school in the reading, writing and mathematics tests. Moderating the school
assessment scores makes them comparable statewide and gives school assessment scores and test
scores in English and mathematics equal weighting.
Visit our Selective School Trial Test Course page for more information.